Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Simple Fuel Saver Strategies

Fuel Saver Strategy #8

Keeping your highway speed at 55 mph can increase your fuel saver miles by as much as 25%, compared to 75 mph. Keep in mind that over 50% of the energy required to move a vehicle down the road is spent overcoming aerodynamic drag, the faster you drive, the more air, you will have to push out of the way.

Speeds above 60 mph result in being anti-fuel saver. As a rule of thumb you can assume that each 5 mph you drive over 60 mph is like paying an additional $0.25 per gallon for gas. If you do the math this adds up in a hurry. And in today’s rapidly rising fuel costs, this figure is rising rapidly too.

I’ve touched on this principle in my previous post concerning flag flying which is an anti-fuel saver practice.

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