Saturday, June 14, 2008

Simple Fuel Saver Strategies

Over the next week or so, I'll share with you what I've learnt after scouring over the net for info and ideas for fuel savers.

These fuel saver strategies may take the fun out of driving and take some getting used to. But I assure you that the results will put more money in your pocket. And that is our ultimate aim.

Fuel Saver Strategy #1

The most common anti-fuel saver driving habit performed by new and experienced drivers alike is how you step on the accelerator pedal. When the traffic light turns green most drivers love to nail the accelerator pedal onto the floor of their car or truck.

Getting that adrenaline rush as you're pushed to the back of your seat is a lot of fun, but it's also an expensive kick to pretend that you're a Michael Schumacher. Fuel savers never succumb to such trival pursuits as it burns a hole in their pockets in terms of gas.

Jackrabbit starts cause the engine to literally suck the fuel in large amounts, rather than the fuel saver way of taking fuel in a smooth, civilized manner. While we're all guilty of engaging in the stop light drags, next time you feel the temptation, ask yourself if it's really that important to show the guy in the Mustang, who the real king of the road is. Remember, it's your wallet, so why is it so important to impress a total stranger.

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